“Education is the movement from darkness to light”- Allan Bloom.
Great people define Education as:
Education is the ability to think, apply it in the World and know the value of life. It doesn’t limit self-education but also spreads it to every human around us. There is no end to Education in every stage of human life; we learn something.
The following infographic explains the benefits of Education.
What is Education?
Education is studying different subjects to gain knowledge and understanding and trying to apply it in daily life.
Education is not only book knowledge but also learning something practically. Learning doesn’t mean attending schools and colleges daily and sitting exams. It is intended for gathering intelligence and relating it to our lives.
Even robots can read and write, but humans use their knowledge wisely. It makes a human being something more than he was provided with. Education is not only for utilising ourselves, but also it can be used to improve other people’s lives.
The following are the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults:
Reasons Why Education is Important
1. Comfortable and stable life
2. Improvement in standard of living
3. Provides safety and security
4. Equality
5. Provides confidence
6. Prevents unlikely events
7. Makes the World a safer and more peaceful place
8. The economic growth of the nation
Leadership is about growing others.
A university offers higher skills and qualifications and leadership, values and virtues to be a light for a better world.
Education reduces poverty, boosts economic growth and increases income. It increases a person’s chances of having a healthy life. Education is one of a country’s most important investments in its people and future.
Over the past ten years, One Light Charity Foundation and one of its premier donors Bartercard, have awarded over thirty scholarships, of whom more than twenty have already graduated.
These graduates have all entered the workforce as leaders of the future. Learn more about our Scholarship program.
Facts about Education
Education is an essential human right and crucial in human, social, and economic development. Unfortunately, despite considerable progress in the last few years, millions of children are still denied their right to Education. Restricted access to Education is one of the surest ways of transmitting poverty from generation to generation. Education is a fundamental human right, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Every girl and every boy should have the right to quality Education so they can have more chances in life, including employment opportunities, better health and participation in the political process.
Investing in Education yields significant development benefits
Education reduces poverty, boosts economic growth and increases income. Moreover, it raises a person’s chances of having a healthy life, reduces maternal deaths, and combats diseases such as HIV and AIDS. In addition, Education can promote gender equality, reduce child marriage, and promote peace. In sum, Education is one of the most important investments a country can make in its people and future.
Education is essential to the success of every one of the 17 global goals
Formally adopted at the UN General Assembly on September 2015, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development frame the global development agenda for 2016-2030. Global Goal 4 on Education aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
Education is critical during times of conflict
In times of conflict and crisis, children are forced out of school, which contributes to higher drop-out rates and lower completion rates. Therefore, a strong focus on Education in these countries is critical; it promotes stability, good governance, and peace. It can also provide a visible sign of a return to normalcy for children.
Poor quality Education is almost like no Education
Significant progress has been achieved in enrolling children in schools around the World. But it’s not enough to get children in school; we also need to ensure they learn to read, count, and acquire the necessary life skills. A particular focus has to be given to the most vulnerable and marginalised groups (including children living in fragile and conflict-affected countries, children with disabilities, and girls). Who is most likely to be affected because of a lack of well-trained teachers, inadequate learning materials, and insufficient Education infrastructure.
Good teachers are essential to achieve quality Education
Good teachers are crucial to solving the global learning crisis and closing the gap between poor and good-quality Education. Therefore, all children must have teachers that are well-trained and motivated. But who can identify weak learners and are supported by well-managed education systems?
Achieving the Global Goal for Education by 2030 costs US$1.25 a day per child in developing countries
It costs, on average, US$1.25 a day per child in developing countries (low and lower-middle-income) to provide an entire cycle of pre-primary through secondary Education (13 years). The largest share of this cost, 88%, is borne by developing countries. The international community should help fill the funding gap of just 15 cents a day per child.
Early childhood Education is vital to lifelong success
Investing in quality early childhood Education brings the highest returns from individuals, societies and countries. Children whith access to quality early childhood programs do better in primary school and will have better Education outcomes later. Low and lower-middle-income countries must invest more in early childhood Education.
Children with disabilities are often excluded from Education systems
In many countries, discrimination, social attitudes, poverty, lack of political will, and poor quality of human and material resources leave children with disabilities more vulnerable to being excluded from Education. Therefore, societies must adapt their Education systems to ensure that these children can enjoy their fundamental human rights without discrimination.
Educating the minds without educating the hearts is no Education at all.
Education should not be used only to benefit ourselves but should be applied to improve other people’s lives. Learn more about how we encourage students to volunteer in humanitarian, conservation and educational outreach programs.
Helping a young person to get an education is an excellent investment
By making a small donation you will enable us to educate future leaders.